[Part 5]
Given the background of the checkered history of Nigeria and the genocidal experiences of the citizens of Alaigbo, including subjugation and denial of fundamental political and economic rights, punitive measures, dismemberment of her territory to render her landlocked without seaports, functional airports, and motorable roads, etc. Ndigbo want a political and economic system that would enable them to take control of their physical, socioeconomic, and political environment, Consequently, the Alaigbo Development Foundation (ADF) proposes as following concerning the First of Two Options: –
- The Option of Remaining part of a Political Union, otherwise to be addressed with the rest of Nigeria.
Nigeria to be Reconstituted as A Federal Union of Autonomous Regions.
- Nigeria is to be Reconstituted as a FEDERAL UNION OF AUTONOMOUS REGIONS. The Union shall be held together by the hallowed principle of Self-Determination. In other words, Nigeria becomes a Country in which all the Autonomous Regions have freely chosen to live together. In other words, Nigeria is not a Federal Union created by Conquest or Annexation.
- Therefore, any member of the Autonomous Region shall be free to opt out of the Union if she so wishes.
- Federal Union Government i. There shall be A Federal Union Government which is the Central Authority of the Federal Union consisting of
- A Federal Union Executive Council.
- A Federal Union Legislature. (A Union Senate and a Union House of Representatives)
- A Federal Defense Council
- A Federal Supreme Court (Responsible for Constitutional issues)
- Institutions in charge of Common Services of the Federal Union
- Federal Union Government i. There shall be A Federal Union Government which is the Central Authority of the Federal Union consisting of Powers of the Union Government as delegated to it as agreed collectively by the Autonomous Regions, provided that it shall be confined principally to:
- Defense as constitutionally defined, provided that the Military shall not be committed to any operation without the decision of the Defense Council and that such decision receives unanimous agreement of all the Autonomous Unions.
- Foreign Affairs as limited by the powers of the Autonomous Regions to establish consulates, seek and attract foreign investment for the development of each respective Region.
- Currency
- Central Bank
- Citizenship
- There shall be Common Services Agencies as may be agreed by all the Autonomous Regions.
- The Management, staffing, and operations of the Common Services Agencies shall reflect the Union’s Character, in terms of equitable representation.
- The Federal Union Government shall have a President and such number of Vice Presidents as there are Autonomous Regions,
- The office of the President shall rotate among the Autonomous Regions every four years in such a way that no Autonomous Region shall produce a President a second time until all the other Autonomous Regions have produced a President.
- There shall be a Uni-cameral Union Legislative Assembly (the Union Congress) responsible for law-making.
- The Union Legislative Bodies shall be composed of such number of representatives of the Autonomous Regions according to their respective population.
- The Armed Forces of the Federal Union There shall be a Union Defense Council made up of:
- The President as Chairman and the Vice Presidents
- The Prime Ministers of the various Autonomous Regions
- Union Defense Minister
- The Chief of the Union Defense Council.
- The Defense Ministers of all the Autonomous Regions.
- Military installations, defense establishments, appointments, and promotions within the armed forces shall reflect the Union Character.
- Judicial System
- There shall be a Federal Union Supreme Court responsible for Constitutional matters.
- There shall be Regional Courts, Courts of Appeal, and Supreme Courts handling all cases within each Region.
- An Autonomous Region is defined as a geo-political territory made up of one ethnic nationality or several ethnic nationalities that have, under the principle of self-determination, agreed to stay together as one Autonomous Region.
- Each Autonomous Region answers whatever name the people wish to adopt.
- Each Autonomous Region has its own Constitution, Anthem, and Flag.
- Each Autonomous Region shall have the freedom to democratically re-order its internal structures which shall be reflected in its Constitution.
- The Autonomous Union shall have a Prime Minister as Head of Government of the Autonomous Region. There shall also be a Deputy Prime Minister.
- There shall be a Council of Ministers for the management of the affairs of the Autonomous Region.
- There shall be a Unicameral Regional Legislative Council.
- There shall be State Governments provided that the States as presently composed shall be guaranteed their identity and governmental structures.
- New States shall be created provided that no State shall be created unless through a Plebiscite.
- Each State shall be responsible for the creation of Local Governments within its territory and defining their constitutional status and responsibilities,
- The choice of membership of any Autonomous Region by any nationality shall be determined by the principle of Self-determination provided that members of each nationality shall be encouraged to stay in the same Autonomous Region.
- All territorial claims shall be settled by Plebiscite or Referendum.
- Each Autonomous Region shall be in charge of the natural and mineral resources, including VAT and other forms of taxation generated within its geo-political space.
- Each Autonomous Region is to be Self-governing as far as control of its Security and Resources are concerned.
- The Continental Shelf of an Autonomous Region shall be deemed as part of the Autonomous Region. This is consistent with international law which defines the Continental Shelf as a seaward extension of the land of the coastal state
- The income and resources generated in each Autonomous Region shall be shared as follows: –
- The Union Government 20%
- The Autonomous Region 30%
- The State 50%
- Protection of legitimately acquired individual and collective property in each Region by citizens of other Regions.
- Each Autonomous Region shall have control over its Union Guard, Police, Paramilitary, and Security Agencies including the Police, Civil Service, Judiciary, Education, Agriculture, Land, Transportation, Customs, etc.
- All Autonomous Regions shall enter a national treaty to Defend the Country in the case of aggression.
- The military shall not be used to settle internal disputes within the Union.
- The Union Government in collaboration with the Governments of the Autonomous Regions shall seek the assistance of the United Nations to conduct a fresh census to resolve any controversies regarding the population of Nigeria and its component Autonomous Regions, and Census data shall contain parameters and characteristics of the ethnic composition of both country and all the Autonomous Regions.
Instead of Staying in the Nigerian Federation under the present conditions analogous to conquered peoples, whose lives don’t count, slaves deprived of fundamental rights to life and property, Ndigbo would opt out of the Nigerian Federation and establish
The Republic of Alaigbo or The Republic of Biafra.
B.2 THE NEW REPUBLIC SHALL SEEK TO EMBRACE ALL PARTS OF ALAIGBO, that is to say, – the Igbo-speaking Areas of Nigeria – Eastern Igbo, Western Igbo, Southern Igbo, and other areas that speak various Igbo dialects and practice different variations of Igbo culture. shall be conducted under the basic principles of freedom, equity, and justice under the principles of Self-determination and self-reliance, respect for the fundamental tenets of her civilization, Democratic Republicanism, her Christian faith, and respect for international law and basic human rights. It shall respect the culture and religion of its neighbors and protect their legitimately acquired property and investment in our land. Independent Republic of Republic of Alaigbo or Biafra shall be guaranteed Equality, Equity, and Justice based on the principles of democratic political participation and representation, equitable power, and resource sharing based on the principles of proportional representation in the key organs of the State such as Executive, Legislative, Judiciary, Military, Security Forces, Bureaucracy, Diplomatic Service, Economic institutions, etc.